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Propose a control law for iterative methods based on the Krylov Subspace supported on new paradigms of computational architectures aiming the stability, robustness and speed of the same ones. Two types of algorithms will be considered::
1) those that present better efficiency for defined positive symmetric systems and
2) those that present better efficiency for general systems, possibly indefinite and poorly conditioned
It is also intended to explore applications to real problems.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Juan Carlos Cabral,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Laura Oporto,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Pedro Juan Torres Lopez,
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Gustavo Espinola
- Diego Bareiro
- Enrique O’Durnin
- Jesus Torres
- Elias Maciel
- Pastor Perez
CIMA-FPUNA ASSOCIATIVE PROJECT, funded by CONACyT - 14-INV-186, Prociencia program
Numerical Simulation of Renal Fibrosis. This subitem has the objective to make a software for helping the understanding the influence of NaCl in the formation of Renal Fibrosis. It is done in collaboration between reserachers: Laura Oporto - Chem. Eng., Francisco Santa Cruz - MD. and Christian Schaerer - D.Sc.
To society:
- One day workshop, March 30, NIDTEC-FPUNA. ODW-Photos.
- Workshop in Applied Scientific Computing, December 28, 2016, NIDTEC-FPUNA.
- July Meeting in Scientific Computing, Thursday July 20, 2017 9:00 hs Nidtec - Polytechnic School - Campus San Lorenzo, Paraguay.
Congress and Seminars:
CUEVAS, ROLANDO; C.E. Schaerer; BHAYA, A.; (RELEVANTE) A proportional-derivative control strategy for restarting the GMRES(m) algorithm, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v. 337, p. 209-224, 2018.
J. C. Cabral; C. Schaerer; On Adaptive Strategy for Overcome stagnation in LGMRES(m; l) CILAMCE 2017 - XXXVIII Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, November 5 - 8, 2017, Florianópolis - SC - Brasil.
E. Sotto; S. Gomez ; C. Schaerer; On Analyzing Math Leraning and Reasoning Using a Data Mining Approach, CILAMCE 2017 - XXXVIII Iberian Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering, November 5 - 8 de noviembre, 2017, Florianópolis - SC - Brasil.
D. Bareiro; E. O'Durnin; L. Oporto; C. Schaerer; Wind efects on shallow water contaminant transport simulation, CNMAC 2017, National Congress of Applied and Computational Mathematics, September 19 - 22, 2017, Sao José dos Campos - SP - Brasil.
L. Oporto; C. Schaerer; F. Santa Cruz; Modelling of High Salt Intake Efect on Renal Interstitial Fibrosis, CNMAC 2017, National Congress of Applied and Computational Mathematics, September 19 - 22, 2017, Sao José dos Campos - SP - Brasil.
J. Torres; L. Oporto; C. Schaerer; F. Santa Cruz; Phytoplankton-nutrients interaction in Ypacarai shallow lake, CNMAC 2017, National Congress of Applied and Computational Mathematics, September 19 - 22, 2017, Sao José dos Campos - SP - Brasil.
G. E. Espínola; J. C. Cabral; P. Torres; C. Schaerer; F. Santa Cruz; Comparison of some strategies for Restarting GMRES, CNMAC 2017, National Congress of Applied and Computational Mathematics, September 19 - 22 de setiembre, 2017, Sao José dos Campos - SP - Brasil.
J.C. Cabral; C.E. Schaerer; On adaptive control strategy for restarting GMRES. In: Mathematical Congress of the Americas, MCA 2017. 2017.
L. Oporto; D. A. Ramírez; J. D. Varelac; C E. Schaerer; Analysis of Contaminant Transport under Wind Conditions on the Surface of a Shallow Lake; ENIEF 2016 XXII Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones 8 a 11 noviembre, 2016.
Cabral, J.C.; Torres, P.; Schaerer, C.E.; On control strategy for stagnated GMRES(m), CCIS 2016 - 4th Conference on Computationa Interdisciplinary Sciences, November 7-11, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. 2016.
Maciel, E.; Torres, P.; Schaerer, C.E.; Arithmetic Intensity Measurement in SpMV and SpMM, CCIS 2016 - 4th Conference on Computationa Interdisciplinary Sciences, November 7-11, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. 2016. Poster.
Torres, P.; Szyld, D.B.; Schaerer, C.E.; On determining the dependence of the superlinear convergence of block CG on the block size. In: Congreso de Matemática Capricornio, 2016 Antofagasta, Chile Programa del Congreso de Matemática Capricornio. 2016.
Oporto, L.; Ramírez, D.A.; Varela, J.D.; Schaerer, C.E.; CONDITIONS ON THE SURFACE OF A SHALLOW LAKE. In: XXII Congreso sobre Métodos Numéricos y sus Aplicaciones - ENIEF 2016, 2016 Ciudad de Córdoba - Argentina. --. 2016.
Oporto, L.; Ramírez, D.A.; Varela, J.D.; Schaerer, C.E.; WIND EFFECTS ON CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT IN SHALLOW LAKES. In: XXXVI Ibero-Lan American Congress on Computaonal Methods in Engineering, 2015 Rio de Janeiro Proceedings of XXXVI Ibero-Lan American Congress on Computaonal Methods in Engineering. 2015.
- Torres, P.; C.E. Schaerer; Bhaya, A.; On Solving Linear Systems Using Adaptive Strategies for Block Lanczos Method . In: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, 2015 Atlanta, USA Proceedings of the 2015 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra. 2015.